Fox Snaring UK


A number of years ago fox and rabbit snaring, due to pressure from various quarters, came under scrutiny from the Scottish Parliament.
What became evident from the review was that snaring played a major part in the control of both fox and rabbit populations, saving the agriculture industry huge sums and proving it was too important a tool to lose.
Recognition of public concerns, mainly that of animal welfare, were addressed and a number of improvements brought in.
These included compulsory twenty four hour checking, free running locks, deer stops but most importantly that anyone snaring had to have attended an approved course before becoming licensed by the police. Everyone passing the course was given an individual identification number which must be attached to every snare set.
English and Welsh parliaments have recently carried out their own reviews and though there are odd differences have legislation similar to Scotland’s.
One major difference being that in England and Wales you do not have to attend  a course or be registered with the police. However I have a feeling that may eventually change.
It is important that anyone using snares has a copy of the appropriate Code of Practice and be completely familiar with its contents.

Best Practice Guidelines

A number of years ago fox and rabbit snaring, due to pressure from various quarters, came under scrutiny from the Scottish Parliament.
What became evident from the review was that snaring played a major part…
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Double Action Brass Swivels and 7x7 Snare Wire

Recently added to our accessories page are new double action brass swivels.

These small swivels are tested to 100kgs and have proved very succeful in extensive fild trials locally.

They weather in a short…

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